Monday 9 February 2009

The BBC is f**king pathetic...

so I'm circulating this...

I find the BBC's apologies over the broadcast of the Bale-gate offensive.

I find them deeply patronising, serving as a mirror of the idiocies of small-minded whiners. I recognise the irony in my comment here.

The man swore. An unedited clip was played. It was an accident. Big f**king deal. Some people can't cope with swearing... that's their problem. It shouldn't be mine. If they're that offended, they can f**k off somewhere where they're never in any danger of hearing offensive language.

Also, surely if the word f**k is enough to tip you over the edge, you've got your priorities...well... f**ked.

People are dying across the world for reasons which could be fixed a lot more easily if we got angry about the right things.

How about the BBC advocating that people save their bile for people like Robert Mugabe? Or perhaps the psychotics on both sides of the Israel/Palestine argument that are hindering the peace process and letting more innocent people die?

People dying day by day, and we're wasting time fretting over a few "bad" words?

Now that really is f**ked up.

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